Why Should You Switch To Solar?

From saving money, taking advantages of the tax credits, adopting a renewal energy mindset and helping the environment. Solar energy offers big advantages for you.

Going Solar

Everyone has their own reasons for looking to switch to solar energy. From saving money, creating a clean environment, gaining freedom. There's quite a bit of uncertainty out there these days. Paying a fortune to keep your lights on shouldn't be something you need to worry about. That is why Mercury Solar can give you all the tools you need to go Solar now. Protect yourself now from rising electricity prices by generating your own power.

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If more people convert to solar energy use, we can conserve the environment because fewer gases are released.

Save the Planet

Solar panels have become popular over the years not only because it saves you money, but because it helps the planet. Yes, they actually do. Solar panels convert sunshine into renewable electricity. Overall, installing a solar panel system helps reduce climate change and your carbon footprint. Carbon dioxide emissions from the electric power sector accounted for 34% of total U.S. CO2 emissions, with the vast majority coming from fossil fuel combustion.

Saving Money

Are you spending thousands of dollars a year on electric bills? A Solar panel is a smart investment where you are not only saving the environment you will also save money. The average homeowner lowers their monthly bill by 5 to 40% each month immediately. In addition to the lifelong savings, we have current incentives from the IRS. Currently if you purchase solar panels, you will get a tax credit of 30% on your tax returns. You see, so many reasons to get solar panels now!

Increase Home Value

Installing solar panels in a home not only helps to reduce current monthly utility bills; it can potentially increase the home’s value by up to 4.1% more than comparable homes with no solar panels. Solar panels protect your roof, and it gives it a longer life. Solar panels are viewed as an upgrade and homes often sell faster. In addition, 100% return on solar investment upon home sale1 

How do Solar Panels Work?

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