Solar power is generated by photovoltaic cells these cells convert sunlight to electricity in the form of direct current (DC) this is then passed through an inverter that turns the DC electricity into AC (Alternating Current) electricity. AC is what’s used to power electrical lights and other household appliances. If there are excessive reserves of solar power generated, you are able to feed it back into the grid for financial return.

Simply put, solar uses sunlight, abundant and readily available, to power your home

Solar Energy Generates Clean and Renewable Energy

As many homes and organizations switch to solar energy, they minimize their reliance on fossil fuel electricity. 

Coal is the main energy source in electricity generation, and it is the main contributor to atmospheric carbon dioxide increase. Fossil fuels have to undergo combustion to generate electricity. During combustion, fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide is the major harmful gas emitted. Greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming which result in climatic change. If more people convert to solar energy use, we can conserve the environment because fewer gases are released.


Solar energy systems generally don’t require a lot of maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively clean, so cleaning them a couple of times per year will do the job. You can contact us, and we can schedule your maintenance appointment.

Remember we offer a 30 years warranty.

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